Sunday, August 2, 2015



I have noticed that, more than in many other times, our age struggles greatly with misunderstanding love and the way it works.

There is great discord fraught in all of our society. 

God is ignored and made fun of.

Family life has been torn apart.

Close friendships hardly last more than a few years.

And the smallest little disagreement or disappointment can bring distance and discord between God or other people in our lives which may last a lifetime.


Now, I firmly believe that the primary reason why this is an issue is because we do not understand God or those around us as well as we might.

The saints have told us that: 

Knowledge precedes love”.

Which means that if we do not know someone properly, we will not love them properly.

It would then follow that if we do not love God or another person as we ought, it is most likely because we do not properly understand them or what they are going through themselves.

Now, I think that this is often caused by a lack of communication which, sad as it is, is common in our days and age.

When we are upset with someone many of us either take it out upon people by spontaneously yelling at them in their faces and talking behind their backs.

Or, which can be worse, we silently withdraw from their company without telling them why, and stop talking to them because we are afraid to address what is bothering us with them.

Rather than helping, doing either of these will make the matter only worse and more tense between us and whomever the other person may be.

If we only would sit back and listen to their side of the story, we might no longer feel as angry or upset with them.

Now, the Bible says:

 “Every beast loveth its like; so also every man that which is nearest to himself.” (Ecclesiasticus 13:19)

One of the principal causes of discord starting between people is often because we think, or find out, that we hold a different idea from someone close to us.

We then get upset and want the other person to change and become more like us, and hold the same opinions as we do.

Yet, this is not always possible, and when it is not it upsets us all the more.

When this happens, instead of thinking about what we do not have in common; we ought to focus more on what we do.

Besides prayer, penance, and help from God; I believe that this is the best way to mend disagreements and discord. 

And who does not want to live peacefully among ones friends, family, and neighbors?


So, let us may it our goal that whenever we feel angry or upset with someone.  Let us first calm ourselves, ask God for help and then talk to them and hear their side.  

Then perhaps we will see that we just misunderstood our friends, family members, or neighbors, and can then go back to living peacefully in their company once again, with the grace of God.

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